Dragon books

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Cirion RedDragon
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Dragon books

#1 Post by Cirion RedDragon »

Aside from Anne McCaffrey's Pern saga, Christopher Rowley's Basil Broketail, assorted Dragonlance installments, quite openly plagiaristic stuff like Eragon or kid's books like How to train your Dragon, do you know of any other books and/or series that feature Dragons, including Dragons as protagonists ?
I'm also wondering if there are any books with Dragons in non-fantasy - meaning more modern - settings, sort of like Jurassic Park with wings.......
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Re: Dragon books

#2 Post by Morgen »

Dragonsbane by Barbara Hambley is pretty good I think.
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Re: Dragon books

#3 Post by Prince of Spires »

2 obvious ones that are missing are the A song of Ice and Fire series by G.R.R. Martin, and The Hobbit By Tolkien (and the Silmarillion, though there the dragons are more like background characters).

Other, recent ones are A Rage of Dragons by Evan Winter, and The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne. The Cradle series by Will Wight also has some dragons, though a bit like in the Silmarillion, they're more flavoring / world building than that they play a big role in the tale.

In most urban fantasy settings, dragons often end up shape shifting, and you end up with dragons that look and act like humans, except when they don't want to and the plot demands it. I don't know of any Jurassic Park with wings type settings or tales.

As a side note, a lot can be remarked about Eragon, but not that it's plagiaristic. Plagiarism is a very specific offense where you take the exact wording of a piece of work and pass it off as your own. Eragon is a clear copy of many hero's journey type tales, however it does so in its own words. Therefore, there is no plagiarism in Eragon. And you can't protect a plot, so there's nothing wrong with the plot of Eragon being a copy of Star Wars.
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Re: Dragon books

#4 Post by Morgen »

Oh it's Star Wars people claim Eragon is a rip of off? That's hilarious!

Star Wars is heavily inspired by Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress, mixed with old Flash Gordon serials. :lol:

It's all heroes journey stuff which is even older of course.
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Re: Dragon books

#5 Post by nolanmaris »

You can check out out Naomi Novik's Temeraire series or Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle for dragons as protagonists. For non-fantasy settings, 'The Great Zoo of China' by Matthew Reilly offers a modern twist akin to 'Jurassic Park' with dragons.

Thank you
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