If you haven't been keeping up with The Old World updates, a few new ones came out today:
From Old World Q&A (Twitter Source and stream):
The Old World won't have a "starter set", like Horus Heresy doesn't have a starter set; starter sets include stuff like boards, and get-started books that assume you have not played a Warhammer game before;
There will be boxes/vanguard/start collecting boxes for getting into new armies;
The game will be set in the Old World; it will be at the Time of the Three Emperors, just before the Great War against Chaos;
The factions that are fighting in the Old World at that time are the ones that will be focused on;
The rules will come in part as online resources for all armies as well as new books for the included factions in the setting;
Every 8th Edition Army will be playable in The Old World; focus on the featured Old World armies;
Unclear what that means for armies like Chaos Dwarves;
The first 2 armies to get attention will be Britannia vs Tomb Kings; returning models and new models for both;
There is new concept art shared on the stream; peasant bowmen, blessing, Ushabti miniature, carrion, Necrosphinx, map of the old world with all the factions shown;
No release-date shared; just mentioned that it is "a ways out"; unclear if that is end of this year or early next;
A couple other minor pieces being shared:
Miniatures will be Plastic, Forgeworld Resin, and METAL;
Someone else is reporting that Chaos Dwarves will be playable and have rules, but will not receive new models in the foreseeable future;
ALL models that existed in 8th will have rules for them (including End Time models), but they may not be the same as before (i.e. Karl Franz versus a generic General on Griffon);
Monstrous Arcanum not included in this, but if players want it, they will evaluate demand;
Empire will have an emphasis on Warrior Priests;
No updates on Mortheim, even though lots of questions about it;
Looks like the "High Elf Realms" are officially part of the core factions being released along with The Old World and I couldn't be happier about this confirmation. I was kind of under the impression that we were going to get some rules in a Ravening Hordes style supplement, and I was absolutely happy to have that so I could jump into the game right away, but now it seems like we're getting something "in the first wave of books and supplements". I'm hoping this means a new full army book, and I'm excited to see what we get in terms of "shiny new miniatures." They have so far showcased the more modern plastic White Lions, Swordmasters, and the Lothern Skycutter, so I'm desperately hoping that we get brand spanking new core models (spearmen, archers, Silver Helms).
definitely exciting stuff. It's nice to see HE in the first wave. We'll see what we end up with. The Skycutter + WL + SM photo looks "old" though. Like I've seen it before. It's all the existing mini's and terrain at least. One interesting tid-bit is that they're all discontinued models. I'm curious if they'll bring back the old models or if they'll release new ones. Or a mix of both...
For Nagarythe: Come to the dark side.
PS: Bring cookies!
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My money's on them bringing back all the plastic minis from 7th and 8th edition, with characters in metal/resin, and again, hopefully a rework of the core units. I'm thinking new models for High Elves will be limited to characters if the Tomb King/Bretonnia previews are anything to go by.