The Silver Knights

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The Silver Knights

#1 Post by Larose »

hmm well I totally forgot about Calehir & Dethadrins beginings, which originated on Warhammer Online believe it or not haha, The Silver Knights was the name of my guild and was also the first beginings of me taking a shot at story telling. Many of the names are from people in the guild and what not. A lore for the guild if you will.

The backstory from the game acted as a bit of a basis for the story, but much of Calehir's beginings are listed here and thought i'd move it from the old forums onto this one here. I'd say this fits in before he traveled to the White tower to study and took up the greatsword. enjoy haha

Silver Knights History

As he walks down the endless line of shields and swords, he shades his eyes as the setting sun reflects off the countless sets of silver armour on his knights. Their silver cloaks blowing in the wind, and their banners held high. He can’t help but think about the first incursion of chaos. Where the same banners were behind the great prince Tyrion. They stood firm that day as the great chaos horde came ever closer. Their battle cries still echoing in his mind, he was young then and once was where a new young elf now sat on his horse, griping his weapons uneasily. Times were different now he thought, as he looked at the dwarfs and humans amongst his ranks. A united enemy had forced unification amongst us all and the threat was much greater now.

He grips the reins of his horse brought from one of his Council Knights, as he mounts he thinks back again to the great Silver Knight Chancellor before him. The one who was lost in the great war, the one who he could only dream of coming close to his achievements. With so many lost, it took 30 years to obtain only a fraction of the strength these knights once had. The chaos incursion had cut deep, and now once again it came relentlessly to swing the finishing blow.
He looks up at Altdorfs high walls, archers lining them by the thousands, he turns his eyes to his knights and their horses, and then to his banners fluttering in the wind. Are they ready? Did he do everything possible?… Yes they were ready, their lives depended on it.
He raises his right hand signalling his Silver Council of the impending charge. He readies his shield and unsheathes his sword raising it into the air. He turns his head back to his knights, “they will not take this city!”. The cheers of his men cause a deafening echo in his helm, he had volunteered to lead the first counter assault for the city, had he made the right decision? His heart starts to race, his hands feel numb, yet his determination hardens. He spurs his horse forward rearing it into the air, “ To the Death!!!”

-Accounts of- the day of reckoning. Altdorfs City Gates.

Silver Knights history and lore part 2

The world slowed down, as the clash of horse and armor smashed through the front line of the oncoming hoard... Then silence... the darkness and sounds came back just as abruptly as they had left. Screams and swords clashing, as his vision slowly returned, he then picked himself up off the ground. Everything was swaying back and forth, he adjusted his helm while realizing he'd been knocked off his horse. Just as he regained his composure a blade came streaking for his chest, only to be blocked by his shield just in time... A woman appeared over his shield with a another striking blow, Clang! He had deflected this with his sword and thrust forward with his shield to hear a satisfying smash of metal on skin. The elf woman fell back clutching her face, he seized his opportunity and grabbed her by her thin armor drawing her in and smashing his helm into her head sending her to the ground.
As he raised his sword for a finishing strike, a sharp pierce of pain drew his attention to his arm, "Gah!" A giant orc had misjudged his strike and clipped his right arm, he steped back to see two more assailants clad in huge armor coming his way, within seconds he mumbled a few words causing the air to swirl around him, "uraah"! he shouted as he spun a full circle creating a powerful shockwave and sent his enemies into their own ranks.

He stepped back and looked to his left only to see a Silver Knight banner carrier fighting for his life. The banner must not fall he thought to himself as he found himself in a full sprint to the banners position. He leaped up and used the back of a blundering orc who had just finished with his prey to launch him over an ensuing battle. Up he went as he marked another target with two swords muttering some words with his arms in the air. With out even thinking he instinctively threw his shield with all his strength at his new target. The shield smashed into the elf's unprotected head and sent his unconscious body sprawling to the ground.
The strength of his throw had over rotated his body through the air and rendered him sprawling to the ground on his back side, smack! He tried to breathe deeply from the wind being sucked out of his lunges. He then forced himself up, only to see the banner carrier a few yards away lose his sword from a slash to his arm. He then lunged forward and slashed out with his sword deflecting a spear thrust meant for the carriers chest into the air. The goblin shrieked in hatred at his lost opportunity only to find himself looking at a cloak and then at blade streaming downward into his skull.

The split second taken to watch the goblin fall senselessly to the ground was also when he realized his first mistake... he had lost his shield. This followed with a sharp and cold pain to the left side of his chest. "Gah!" He screamed dropping his sword. He turned his head and looked at his new enemy behind a large helm carrying a giant spear, which was now embedded in his side. The dark figure had another blade already drawn and in striking position. Not like this he thought as he tried to draw his small sword from behind his cloak.
The Figure swung downward only to be interrupted by a flash of white which came in between the two and a large smashing sound which sent them both to the ground.

He was now on the ground and in pain, his helm had been knocked off and the ground and sky we're once again swaying back and forth. He tried to concentrate on the figure which he believed to be a white horse and someone sitting on top slashing downwards onto his opponents. He tried to think for a second as the darkness kept trying to cover his eyes, he hadn't seen that kind of armor in years..... the.. prince?

His head fell back and the sharp pain in his side caused him to welcome the abrupt silence and darkness once again.

- A new Era - Part 3-

As Calehir walked down the road his attention would constantly divert to his new sword sheathed to his belt. It was a gift from the Silver commander himself before he took most of the Silver Knight battalions to the great city of Altdorf. He was making his way back from Chillwind manor by foot since he had yet to receive the steed promised to him upon his initiation into knighthood. His attention reverted back to his surroundings which caused him to notice two figures walking towards him on the road. As they drew closer he was able to recognize his two good friends, Sphinxa and Dethadrin. They attended the academy with him and became Knights during the same ceremony. Sphinxa carried her bow with her left hand and was clad in a silver cloak and hood, while Dethadrin carried a tall staff with silver robes draping to the ground.

As the two came within a few feet, Calehir proceeded to bow “ hello friends,”
only to receive a smack to his helm which caused a painful ringing in his ears. He looked up to see Dethadrin carrying a large smirk on his face.
“ No need for formalities with us” he said as he placed his staff back on the ground.

Calehir smiled as he’d become accustomed to Dethadrins friendly but somewhat pesky behaviour over the years.
“ Hi Cale!” Sphinxa exclaimed enthusiastically as always. “ We came to escort you back to the Citadel, there’s been odd reports of small raids throughout Eataine, some think it’s darkelfs..” she continued.

Calehir gave her an odd look, “dark elves? Their small raids could never reach this far inland” just as he finished he noticed black smoke rising in the distance towards the Pillars of Remembrance citadel. His eyes widened in shock.

“ What is it Cale” Dethadrin asked in a somewhat confused manner.

“ My god, there’s smoke rising in the distance!” Calehir yelled as he pushed past them and started into a sprint. His heart started to pump faster, what had happened? Was the Silver Knight fortress under attack? Impossible!

The sun had almost set as the three came into range of the citadel. The flames were high and lit up the sky, the entire southern wall was on fire and looked to have taken heavy damage from a massive assault.
They waited as Sphinxa came back from scouting the area, “ its clear, looks like they attacked and moved on, barely looted or wasted any time here by the looks of it. They must be relying on surprise as much as possible.” She said as they all stared at their burning home. The entire southern portion of the keep was crumbling, however the northern side seemed to be relatively unscathed. The High elven masonry had kept the fires from spreading which meant not all was lost.

The three approached the outer wall doors which were still intact. “ They didn’t even get to close the door” Dethadrin said as he examined the surroundings. Calehir kneeled beside a Silver Knight on the ground, it was Felrin. “His throat is cut, and he didn’t even get to draw his sword… Witch Elves!” he yelled as he drew his sword and pulled his shield from his back.

“ They must have taken the keep door by surprise, which explains why they were able to destroy so much in that short of time.” Sphinxa said and stopped in thought as she observed 5 other Silver Knights scattered in the entrance. As they proceeded forward, dark elf bodies became apparent and showed signs of a battle in front of the citadel doors.
“At least they took some of them with them” Dethadrin whispered in a low voice. At that moment the citadel door opened and revealed four dark figures clad in black and purple armour. Two dropped instantly with arrows in their throats as Sphinxa was one step ahead of everyone. Calehir sped forward thrusting his sword deep into the elf’s lightly armoured side plate which did little against such a forceful blow. The elf screamed in agony as Calehir twisted the blade in an upward motion to finish him off. Seconds later a flash of white energy slammed the fourth elf into the citadel wall and was silenced with 2 arrows in his chest.

“Looks like they left some behind” Calehir said as he withdrew his sword and let the elf fall to the ground.
They carefully entered the citadel with Sphinxa in the lead and bow at the ready. They cleared the rest of the citadel with little resistance. Their depression grew as evidence of a surprise attack showed disorganization and defeat amongst the bodies in each room. Many knights weren’t even in armour, which brought tears to their eyes as they walked past their fellow knights.
Just as the three decided to start gathering the knights for a proper burial, Dethadrin remembered the siege shelter. “ Damn I hope they were able to make it inside” he said while placing his staff near the entrance and mumbled some words. Two beams of light shot out horizontally from his staff, then met together at the entrance in front of them, the light rippled across the doorway and faded away. It took a few seconds before the stone slab began to lower from the ceiling and disappear into the floor. The door was half way down when an arrow came streaking towards them, barely missing Dethadrin’s head, Calehir immediately threw his arms into the air and exclaimed “ whoa! Easy my fellow knights we are friends!” Dethadrin looked at Sphinxa in disbelief as Calehir stepped over the lowering door. He entered the room and was confronted with over 70 elfs in the great hall and put his hand on the shoulder of the one nearest to him holding the war bow. Most of them were all young apprentices only a few years younger then himself.

One came forward, “ did you bring reinforcements?” he said in a worried voice. Calehir lifted his helm off his head and brushed his sweaty hair back with his hand. He shook his head, “ we have some work to do.”

The next day

The fires were put out that night, yet it took them most of the day to give a mass proper burial to all their fallen knights. The dark elves were buried outside the keeps walls and weren’t given much effort. They had just finished these tasks when an apprentice sentry shouted out and brought Calehir to the top of what was left of their outer southern wall. What they saw was what seemed to be a sloppy marching formation of about one hundred troops coming from the south west. As they drew closer, Calehir recognized the torn banners.
“Those are Silver Knights! Sphinxa take our new regiment and meet them!” He shouted as he peered off into the distance.

It did not take long for Sphinxa’s new regiment of apprentice’s and two knights to march off towards the incoming group.
Calehir met the group of now confirmed Silver Knights outside the outer wall gates as Dethadrin tried looking after some of the badly injured. Two knights helped what Calehir noticed to be a knight captain by his gold markings, come forward.

“ I am Captain Heliros, what happened here?”
“ A dark elf surprise attack.” Sphinxa answered as they all helped the knights into the citadel.

Once inside Calehir sat at a table with Heliros who was holding his side in pain. He was badly injured and seemed to have a fever developing.
“ They hit us as we were loading the ships, we are all that is left from our great battalions. The Silver Council, the Chancellor, the Council Knights have all fallen.” Heliros explained while breathing heavily.

“ What!? How could they all have fallen?” Calehir cried out as his anger began to show in his eyes.
Heliros replied as he seemed to wander in thought “ It was a combination of land and sea, the dark elf corsairs came in boats, while a large regiment of black guards cut off any escape route from the land. My regiment was the last to arrive to the port, we were cut off from the battalions and had no choice but to retreat after a short battle. There was just to many, we barely escaped and I fear the rest weren’t so lucky.”

Calehir nodded to two apprentices who proceeded to take the captain to a bed. Dethadrin sat down next to him after overhearing the story.
“ This isn’t good, they’ve crippled our forces, and we are now leaderless with sixty apprentices and one hundred knights.” Dethadrin continued to talk but seemed to be drained out by Calehir’s racing mind.

The next day Calehir received word of the captains death from his wounds, the chain of command was broken and the scouts reported the Arbour of Light citadel was under siege by the Dark elf incursion. They had lost their element of surprise, however the citadel could not hold out forever… they had to break the siege. After some thought he decided to have Sphinxa and Dethadrin rally the men outside. Calehir stepped onto a large slab of rock from the outer wall so everyone could see him clearly.

“ My fellow knights and apprentices, we are all weary and discouraged from the last few days, however we must not lose hope! Our anger over our fallen comrades gives us the strength we need to fight our treacherous kin! We are all that is left from our order, and our fellow high elves are under siege at the Arbour of Light. The oaths we have taken will not allow us to leave them on their own, they require our help, we must break the siege!

“ But how can we stand against so many? We do not have enough knights!” Was the response from someone in the crowd.

“Yes it is true that we are to go up against a force of over one thousand, yet their numbers are thinning from the siege and this is our home! We cannot run from this fight! We will not run from this fight! In the name of our fallen comrades we will destroy them! And we will do so by marching to the northern Aenorlas Stables, there will be enough horses for us all and we will charge into their flanks! Now go, gather our supplies we march in two hours!”
Calehir had never made such a speech and his heart was racing, yet he was confident in his plan. With support of Dethadrin and Sphinxa, they all set off towards the northern stables and he hoped the darkelfs had not taken out this small garrison.

They reached the peaceful stables a bit later then midday and were greeted by the stable masters. It did not take long for Calehir to explain the situation and within a few hours his knights were all armoured and ready on their horses. They were also lucky enough to come across a small cavalry contingent from the Arbour of Light citadel. They were part of the Steel Reserve which garrisoned the citadel and were unaware of the events that had taken place. As they prepared to march, Sphinxa rode ahead with six other Silver Helm scouts to take care of any dark elf sentinels near the keep. His plan required the surprise element and would be a daring cavalry charge under the cover of darkness. To his advantage, it was a clear night in which the moons would provide enough light to make the attack possible.

The Art of Surprise

The sun had set when the regiments met up with Sphinxa and her scouts, they now contained sixty apprentices, one hundred knights and fifty Steel Reserve cavalry. More then enough to hit the war camp as the dark elfs tried to rest from the long siege.

“ Only five sentries were covering this flank” she smirked while looking at a dark elf on the ground. “ Their camp is only two hundred yards beyond this hill” she continued as Calehir examined the layout of the ground. They were situated at the foot of a large plateau which provided enough room to get his men ready, and a flat enough surface for the horses to gain some real speed before impact.

Light from the flames could be seen over the hill, as he suspected the keep had taken sufficient damage.
They had to move quickly. Every second knight held a lit torch as they lined themselves into three ranks of sixty across.
He led them slowly up the hill and realized that the plateau contained a downward slope towards the war camp in the distance. The keep was indeed was on fire and under a constant barrage of siege weapon fire. Calehir unsheathed his sword and yelled out “ Brothers! Are you with me!” The anger and hatred in his men’s hearts created a chorus of cheers which echoed in the distance, as the resilient and intact keep gave them new hope. It also caught the attention of the darkelfs within the war camp as they began to scramble in panic.

He spurred his horse forward with his sword in the air and charged towards the war camp. As the charge gained speed, Calehir could make out figures suddenly dropping to the ground. Sphinxa and her archers we doing their jobs well, they had snuck up to the war camp and were silencing any dark elf that tried to raise the alarm by blowing their war horns. “ Yah!” he screamed as he cut down a dark elf who tried to stand his ground, the charge had cut right into the darkelfs infantry tents which were small and easy to ride through. Screams of agony could be heard as the tents collapsed and torches flew through the air and set the larger pavilions a blaze. “Destroy the siege weapons!” He shouted as he slashed downwards onto his scrambling kin.

His Knights had charged through the center flank of the encampment and were locked in a slaughter fest of a disorganized enemy infantry who still had no idea about what was happening. Almost every tent and pavilion were engulfed in flames as siege weapons and towers burned to the ground. At that moment the Citadel doors swung open and the garrison’s infantry came charging out with renewed hope. They cheered and engaged into the dark elf infantry to the east side of the camp. The battle continued into the night which ended with many dark elf running off into the darkness and abandoning their camp entirely.

Calehir slowly walked his horse towards the citadel as men ran past him to finish off any remaining dark elfs they could find. He turned his horse and looked back at what was left of the encampment, breathing deeply he took a sigh of relief to their new found victory.

“ Greetings friend, my many thanks for your reinforcements, I am Selraik, commander of the Steel Reserve.” Said an elf standing near the citadel door. Calehir turned his horse, and bowed his head in respect, “ I am Calehir, the new Chancellor of the Silver Knights.”

Silver Knights Lore - Part 4

His thoughts about his past ended as he was somewhat awakened by an up and down motion he could not recognize. As his vision returned he found himself staring at the ground and at some armoured greaves striding across the dirt. It took him a few minutes to finally realize he was being carried since the loss of blood had rendered him dizzy and incoherent. Bursts of gunfire seemed to be getting closer as the greaves stopped and turned, allowing him to observe a line of dwarves firing their rifles. One came towards him, it was his good friend Federline.
“Busy taking a nap eh Calehir!” she said as she re-loaded her rifle.
“ Get me my sword” he responded as the greaves began to move again.

Federline burst into laughter only to stop to take a swig out of her flasks as she fired her rifle blindly into the distance.
Whack was the sound from a long staff which fell across the head of Federline forcing her to spit out some liquor.
“ Watch where your firing that thing!” Exclaimed a tall and striking elf woman clad in purple robes. Dyvinity was her name, he had met her in the war room before the charge.

From what he could see, they had past the great gates of Altdorf when suddenly he found himself looking into the sky and then feeling his back thumping on an elevated surface. The one who carried him was none other then Rutharyel, one of his Silver Commanders. “ I leave him with you” Rutharyel said as he sprinted off towards the main gates.

The pain in his side was excruciating, yet Calehir propped himself on his right arm to take a look at his surroundings. Three Archmages were facing him, Dethadrin, Tari and Dyvinity all came forward insisting that he lay down.

“Nonsense! No retreat, no surrender! Where is my sword!” Calehir exclaimed as he jumped off the table and pushed back the mages to their surprise. He clutched at his side and raised his hand thinking he had his sword. To his dismay, he slowly looked up to notice that nothing was in his hand. Well that’s odd, he thought to himself. This was followed by a shout of “ you need some rest” and a painful feeling to the side of his head, rendering him into darkness.

Calehir awoke to a bright sun in his eyes as he covered it by placing his arm across his head. He raised his arm to see three mages standing at the end of the bed he was in.

“ Oh your awake” said Dethadrin as all three of them turned their attention to Calehir.
“ Yes, and I have an unbelievable headache” Calehir returned as he felt a lump near his ear.

Dyvinity struggled not to laugh as Calehir looked down at the side of the bed towards Taris’ staff which was bent on the end. She quickly put it behind her back and averted her eyes.

“ I see I was a bit hard to control? How goes the war?” Calehir responded to change the subject.
“ Great! We’ve made a push back to Praag!” Exclaimed Tari enthusiastically.
“ And Rutharyel brought back your sword” continued Dethadrin as he placed the sword beside the bed
“ Good, now if you’ll excuse me, I think ‘llI need a bit more rest.” Said Calehir as he closed his eyes.

A New Friendship - New Silver Knights Lore

The trees streaked past his hooded vision as he continued to sprint in a zig zag motion dodging and weaving behind the giant logs that made up Caledor forest. He finally stopped and put his back up to a tall and wide tree in order to catch his breath. As he lowered his face mask from over his nose, a hissing and whooshing sound came ever closer, he immediately dropped his knees and dive rolled to the right. A splintering crack followed shortly after, as a throwing axe embedded itself deep into the tree. A giant chaos warrior charged towards Wulfiroth’s new position wielding a great sword high into the air, only to be dropped to one knee as an arrow had pierced his weak plating behind his leg. Wulf seized the opportunity with a quick twin arrow release piercing the giant mans helm and dropping him senselessly. Another hooded elf appeared from behind a tree not to far off and made a signal indicating movement to Wulfs’ left.

Wulf slowly paced forward through the brush as he kept about thirty feet between his new found friend and himself. He once again placed his back to a tree and observed five marauders setting up a small camp. Wulfiroth slowly unsheathed his sword and nodded towards his counterpart who immediately notched an arrow and signalled he was ready. Wulf took a deep breath and dashed forward through the brush while carefully leaping from side to side to dodge twigs and anything that would alert them to his presence. As he reached the small clearing he watched a marauder drop to the ground with an arrow in his throat and another scream in agony as he pulled out an arrow from his shoulder.
This provided the perfect distraction as Wulf streaked forward with an upward slash which cleanly sent the marauders forearm, hand and axe into the air. He quickly continued by sidestepping the disarmed marauder and slashed horizontally across a second marauders abdomen and followed it with a downward diagonal strike over his targets shoulder and across his neck. As his target dropped to the ground, he was able to view a third marauder fall littered with arrows. Wulf quickly rotated 160 degrees and stabbed the disarmed marauder through the upper chest. Wulfiroth swiftly shifted his head to his right and saw a mutated marauder charging forward in his direction. The marauder had some odd tentacles flailing wildly out of his chest and back, Wulf felt fear grip him as he desperately tried to pull out his sword from the dead marauder. He looked back as an arrow pierced the marauders rear shoulder which only seemed to enrage him more, a few more feet and the marauder would be on top of him.

He felt the sword give and break free from the marauders chest, he pulled his sword to his side and felt a gust of wind streak by him. This was followed by a scream and a giant cracking sound. He looked up to find a limp marauder pinned to a nearby tree with a giant great sword protruding from his chest. Wulf turned around to see a tall and fully armoured elf come striding through the brush into the clearing.
“ Ha! You’re going to owe me for that one” the elf said as he tugged a few times to release his sword from the tree and marauder.
“ I had the situation fully under control!” Wulf returned slightly annoyed. The other hooded elf appeared into the clearing and observed the carnage for a few moments.

The armoured elf cleaned off his sword and comfortably carried the giant sword over his right arm.
“ The names Rutharyel” he said with a smirk.
“ Dogman” the hooded elf replied.
“ I’m Wulfiroth” he said while sheathing his sword.

A horn blew in the distance interrupting the introductions, “ hmm well my regiment was ambushed on our patrol, lets get back to the Dragonwake war camp before whatever blew that horn gets here.” Rutharyel said as Wulf and Dogman nodded in agreement. The three proceeded into the brush and disappeared.
Shadowy member of The Mage Knight Guild

Attack when they are unprepared, make your move when they least expect it.

Only in your darkest hour, will you triumph over true evil.
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