Caledor's Hammer Army Fluff

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Caledor's Hammer Army Fluff

#1 Post by Malossar »

I posted this in my Army List blog, but i thought i'd add it here to get a little more feedback as well as a thread i can keep posting updates.

Malossar knelt, the field was vast, hills were sweeping low and to the west, but otherwise the plain was flat with long grasses reaching ever towards the heavens in search of sustenance. How he related to the lives of the plants populating the field, his life was constantly moving, changing even with the seasons; he had no family, few friends, and luckily fewer relatives. The only constant was battle, and the troops that marched at his side. He plucked a flower and rolled it between his fingers. Its petals were a dark blue, like a midnight sky when the moons were dead; the color of his house.

“My Lord, we are ready to march. We only await your command.” A grim smile crept across Malossar’s face as he recognized the voice of his Standard Bearer and the low breathing of the Archmage that stood beside him.

“How many times Enkago, must I tell you to never use formalities around me. How long have we fought together now?”

“Well s--, erm excuse me, Mal its been close to 600 years in the field.”

“So after six centuries of constant warfare and you still refuse to call me by my true name? There was a reason we left Ulthuan, and even our beloved Caledor, if only to escape the dullness of court life. We are warriors, born and bred; we know nothing of the foolishness that has consumed our race. Here in the dredges of this world we have forged a new path for our race, and not for our glory, but for Asuryan. Never forget that.”

“Yes Mal,” Enkago spoke with the slightest hint of embarrassment.

“Well, all this talk about battles and warfare, might as well get down to it!” Malossar’s smile turned into one of half annoyance as his cousin spoke. She was a bit arrogant like some many of Caledorian’s finest soldiers, but hers extended to the point of almost being rude. Unlike most mages from Caledor, she decided that she would be able to master the art of life magic, and she had succeeded, to the point of being offered a commission as an instructor in the White Tower, which she aptly turned down to join her cousin on his quest in the wider world.

“Jezria, you know I love you, but damn do you ever not speak your mind?” At this comment from Malossar, Jezria laughed, the only one of the three who ventured to laugh often. Her laughter was vibrant and full of joy, and it brought warmth to the colder elves. Enkago blushed at her laughter, and Malossar knew of his affections for his cousin; he secretly also knew her feelings for his Standard Bearer.
Malossar finally stood from his kneeling position, and removed a small leather bound book from a gap in his armor. The tome was the teachings of Asuryan and Malossar had almost memorized the book from cover to cover. He opened to a familiar passage and placed the flower within its worn pages. Before the start of every battle he did this, attempting to preserve some beauty of the land before the battle destroyed most of it.

“Prepare the men. We march.”

Malossar mounted his horse, Asaiya, the only female he had ever loved, and rode to his men in the center of the army. He inspected the Spear Elves from Caledor, their title was militia, but each and every member of the 104th infantry division opted to stay; nothing but death could sever them from their Lord’s side.

He rode past his spears, raising his axe in salute as they cheered. He joined his heavy cavalry in center of the field. Their grim expressions was all the comfort Malossar needed to know that they were confident in their General. Enkago sat atop his horse in the center of the formation, his horse pawing the ground in eager anticipation of the slaughter.
“Well here we are again, “ Malossar paused as laughter rippled the ranks of his cavalry, his most trusted and infamous soldiers borne of the noble blood of Caledor, the Dragon Princes, “I often have clever or witty remarks before the onset of the battle, but today I have none. No none for elves so fine as yourselves, no words of mine could instill a valor in you that you do not already posses, nor have not already harnessed. You have followed me through the fires of battle over six centuries yet there has been no rest. For we are the finest soldiers in the entire world and we are here to prove it. For we are Caledor’s Hammer, the wrath of our ancestor’s boils in our blood and we must unleash it upon the enemies of our beloved Phoenix King. Elves, I bid you return home if you grown bored of this tireless slaughter we engage ourselves in, but if you would still march with me, fight with me, and die by my side, then I will call you brother, and we shall forge a new kingdom and let the world know the fury of the elves and that we have not declined nor will we ever become extinct!” A great cheer arose from the soldiers and ranks were formed. Malossar lifted his shield, readied his axe, and Enkago sounded the charge.

“ARISE CALEDOR’S HAMMER, ARISE!” Malossar shouted as he spurred his horse into a full gallop towards the ranks the enemy arrayed across the open field.
His soldiers took up the cry, “ FOR ULTHUAN, FOR THE EVERQUEEN, FOR MALOSSAR!”

The Hammer rang true that morning.
Ptolemy wrote:Im not above whoring myself for a good cause. ;)
Mentheus of Caledor
Posts: 394
Joined: Tue Apr 19, 2011 9:56 am

Re: Caledor's Hammer Army Fluff

#2 Post by Mentheus of Caledor »

Loving the fluff. Absolutely loving it :)
As a Caledorian myself, I understand the need to prove yourself on the field of battle, again and again. 8)
For the honour of Caledor, good sir, keep it up :)

I actually really liked the sentiments with the flower - gives a hint of softness to a prince who is very much a rough one. I like the idea of him keeping a part of the battlefield from being desecrated.

"They thought we had all but died out, but as we take to the skies our foes will tremble with fear, for they will know the True Dragon Princes have returned."
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