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Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:46 am
by Anarion
"Well fought Sir Knight," said Sir Tinian breathlessly to the anonymous knight. He was breathless first of all from the fight, but secondly from the mastery of arms displayed by the two other rescuers of the Earl. All around him lay the fallen, Cymric in large numbers and Saxons in even greater. Why they had retreated he did not know, but he was grateful for it.

He swept his helm from his head and sat down suddenly upon the ground, woozy from his own blood loss. He wiped the sweat from his brow and cleaned his sword.

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:51 am
by Calarion Sapherior
"My thanks, Sir Knight," the Earl said, mopping his sweating brow. "Pray, remove your helmet that I might know who you are."

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 5:00 am
by cidracin
Amongst the corpses strewn around the battlefield lay Sir Aldrydd. He was covered in blood and his skin was pale and drawn. His chest had a large gash ripped in it and is innards could be seen but if one were to look closely they would see that he still drew breath. Aldrydd was dying, the damage to his chest was ghastly and one did not need to now much about healing to know that unless a miracle occured that the wounded knight would amongst the dead within minutes. Sir Aldrydd's squire Bruce was at his master's side and though help was being called it was obvios to Bruce that unless Merlin himself was to show up that no doctor could be summoned that could heal his master with much hope and his master could not afford anyore delays in care. So Bruce set to work trying to patch his master togethor and bring him back from death's door. And as fate would have it Bruce succeded!!! Some how Aldrydd's 15 year old squire mangaed what had seem impossible. By the time one of the army's healers arrived Aldryyd was unconcious although it was clear that if he recieved chiruregery succesfully in the coming weeks sir Aldryyd would indeed live!
OOC: Still having trouble believing Aldrydd survived :D I thought Cal was kidding me when he said that Bruce's attempt was succesful.

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:36 am
by Bob of Beleriand
Alain removed his helmet, allowing his sweat drenched mane of tangled blonde hair to fall free. "I apologise, Earl Roderick, for I am no Knight. I am but a Squire in your service." Alain glanced with a measure of concern at Sir Tinian whom had fallen

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:39 am
by Calarion Sapherior
Sir Jaradan blinked. "My lord, this is the man from the shield wall who slew the second Saxon champion at my side."

"A squire in flesh, but a knight in spirit!" the Earl said, delighted. "Come, what is your name?"

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:43 am
by Bob of Beleriand
"Alain, my lord."

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:47 am
by Calarion Sapherior
The Earl held his still-bloody sword in one hand. "Kneel before me, Alain. Do you acknowledge me as your true and rightful liege, and Uther Pendragon as the King of Logres?"

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:52 am
by Bob of Beleriand
Alain took a knee before the Earl, laying his arms upon the floor. "I do."

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:53 am
by Calarion Sapherior
"Do you pledge fealty to me, and swear your sword to me, to be forever at my service?" the Earl asked solemnly.

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:54 am
by Bob of Beleriand
"I do." Alain fought as hard as he could to restrain and mask his joy.

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:54 am
by Calarion Sapherior
"Repeat after me," Earl Roderick instructed. "I, Alain, do solemnly swear and pledge my sword to Earl Roderick of Salisbury, my liege, to defend and obey him until he depart his demesnes or death shall take me, and to uphold the honour of knighthood."

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:56 am
by Bob of Beleriand
Alain swallowed his joy and trepidation, pushing it deep down, it would emerge again at an appropriate time and venue. "I, Alain, do solemnly swear and pledge my sword to Earl Roderick of Salisbury, my liege, to defend and obey him until he depart his demesnes or death shall take me, and to uphold the honour of knighthood."

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:56 am
by Calarion Sapherior
The bloody sword of the Earl tapped Alain upon both shoulders. Some of the blood ran from the blade on to Alain's shoulders, and stained the tunic he wore under his chainmail further. "Then I dub thee Sir Alain! Arise, Sir Knight!"

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:33 pm
by Krusader
Gaius could see that Alain had been made a Knight and he felt joy at his friend's honour. When the Earl was finished and it was proper to offer one's cheers, Gaius loudly threw a cheers towards Alain, followed by the death scream of a badly wounded Saxon that Gaius stabbed as he went back to the grizzly task at hand.

Part of him did not like killing defenseless men, but he knew it had to be done. The Saxons would have likewise done the same to any wounded Britons and the Saxons were denied paradise and the gaze of of the one true God, so God would not care that those who had turned their backs on him were being killed.

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 3:03 pm
by Anarion
Sir Tinian found the strength to rise, filled with pride and happiness that it was Alain and that he had finally been knighted. He strode to the new knight and clapped him roundly upon the back. "Good things come to those who wait, eh Alain?" he grinned.

Looking round, he could see Gaius going about his gruesome appointment. He didn't see any living Saxons nearby. Sir John was also on his feet. He couldn't see Sir Aldrydd but young Bruce was grinning like a madman over a knight who was lying down. Tinian breathed a sigh of relief. It looked like they'd all made it through their first battle.

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 3:15 pm
by Prince_Asuryan
John had waited for Lardans, but the squire had not returned. It turned out Gaius had not been as badly injured as he had feared, and he was pleased to see Tinian and Alain were also safe. At the sight of Alains knighting, John gave a cheer and raised his hand in a brief salute to his friend. However, he was now fearing for the Marshall's life, the man remaining motionless near to him. Looking for the source of his wound, John went about trying to stem the blood flow.

OOC: Seriously, where is that boy? :P

Anyway, if he's not coming, I rolled a 4 for first aid to help Marshall Elad - if he's still alive. Actually, that might be better cos he'll be pleased.

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 8:04 pm
by Calarion Sapherior
Lardans appeared and helped Sir John with the Marshal. There was a bloody lump upon his forehead, but his breathing was regular, and soon the old man opened his eyes. The casualties had been terrible, but somehow everyone they cared about had made it through the battle alive.

However, the casualties were high enough that the campaign against King Aelle was over. While the raids in force against Silchester would stop for now, the Cymric force was devastated enough that it could not hope to press on deeper into Sussex, and King Uther ordered the army to fall back to the city of Silchester. There, new and dreadful news awaited the army: King Aethelswith, the newly arrived Saxon king in Kent, had taken his army as well as a significant force of warriors from King Aelle, and attacked Caercolun. Duke Lucius had not joined the muster in Silchester so that he could defend against that eventuality, and had led his army to engage them, just south of Colchester. The battle was dreadful, but the British were routed and the Duke was forced to withdraw to the safety of Colchester's defences. With his defeat, the countryside was laid bare for the Saxons to pillage. Refugees fled into the Quinqueroi Forest, but were pursued and enslaved by the hundreds.

The news puts a dark cloud over everyone at Silchester. King Uther in particular appeared to be in a foul mood, and held many secret meetings with his earls. "He wants to be the High King," Sir Jaradan explained to Sir Alain. "At the moment he is only King of Logres; but his brother Aurelius Ambrosius was High King of Britain. All the greatest High Kings have been elected, so Uther insists that he'll become High King as well. He thinks that once the Supreme Collegium votes him in, he'll have the authority he needs to sway Gorlois of Cornwall and the other dissident lords."

Before long, the Salisbury contingent returned home for the winter, once again passing through Winchester rather than skirt Levcomagus. The Earl was convinced that Sir Rhisiart was responsible for the shield wall breaking at Mearcred Creek, but there was nothing that could be proven. "In any case," he said at Sarum, before dismissing the knights back to their own estates, "we shall hear more of his treachery in the future, and more of the Saxons too. Practice hard in the arts of war, men. This is no time for poetry."

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 8:54 pm
by cidracin
Sir Aldrydd
Sir Aldrydd realized to his horror that due to the events of the year that he had become more cowardly, cruel, lustful, proud, vengeful and worldy. This was due to the witch's deal pushing the not hugely faithful Aldrydd even further from God. Though at least he also become more energetic. His knowledge of faerire lore and his ability at horsemanship grew that year. His young Squire Bruce also became better at first aid.

Aldrydd hatred of the Saxons increased due to his anger over his near death and the marring of his fine looks. Also Aldrydd gained both a hatred of Faerie and a great fear of it. If he was ever to face the witch it was a fear he would have to overcome.

Harvest was poor that year for Sir Aldrydd and his sumpter died. During his revovery in Sarum, Aldryyd slept with one of the castle's maids since he had lost his duel with Sir Jaradan and winning Adwen's hand now looked quite impossible,though no child resulted from the fling. Nothing of note occured in Sir Aldrydd's family.

Once he had recovered from his wounds Aldrydd set to work training. He took the Earl's advice to heart and spent most of his time training with sword and horse, though he spent a little of his free time reading books that contained advice on love.

OOC: Aldrydd had quite a rough year lets hope his luck is better next year :D

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:34 pm
by Krusader
Sir Gaius
Gaius realized he had become more energetic and less prudent. He had also become much better at riding horses, recognising things and using a dagger.

It was a poor harvest and seeing his peasants, Gaius decided to use the money he acquired from selling one of the horses he captured to buy more food. His peasants were happy, but Gaius unfortunately lived poorly. This had a negative sideeffect in that his trusted charger Bucephalus died and a rouncy. He still had a charger though and named it Longinus, why he did not tell, but at least one priest was not too happy with the name.

Gaius traveled to Sarum for Christmas where he asked about potential ladies. He was told about Lady Gwiona, the second handmaiden of the Countess Ellen (Earls's wife), who had been engaged four times, and every time her bethroted had died within a month in battle. The Bishop had said it was a coincidence, but that had not stopped rumours. Gaius had decided to not pursue matters with Lady Gwiona, however fate intervened. When he ended up talking to her, the manners he showed and the way he talked came off as flirting and the lady actually found Sir Gaius pleasing. Things took a "warmer turn" throughout Christmas as Gaius found himself attracted to the Lady and he succumbed to the passions of the flesh with a very willing Lady Gwiona. A few months later on both Gaius & Gwiona petition the Earl to get married and Gaius is shortly afterwards informed his cousin has gone missing and he is about to set out to try and find him. Before he leaves, he & Gwiona are engaged.
Gwiona also tells him she is with child and the wisewomen are sure its a boy. Gaius asks Gwiona that should he fall in battle, he'd wish the boy to be named Aurelius. Gwiona agrees.

Gaius also followed the Earl's advice and trained with swords, whenever he was not spending time with Gwiona and can wield a sword with more expertise now.

OOC: I am so very very going to die now!

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:56 am
by Calarion Sapherior
During the winter, the knights were also invited to Sarum for Christmas. It was there that Sir Gaius met Lady Gwiona. The highlight of the festivities was the marriage of Sir Jaradan. As a reward for his heroics at the Battle of Mearcred Creek, he was granted the hand of Lady Adwen in marriage. Sir Jaradan had previously been a relatively poor knight, exceptional only for his superlative skill with a sword. However, as a result of his marriage to Lady Adwen, Sir Jaradan was now a rich knight. Surely his star would continue to rise in the future...

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:59 am
by Prince_Asuryan
Sir John

Over the winter, John realized he had become more energetic, pious, temperate and prudent. He had also become more skilled with his favourite weapon, the sword.

John had a poor harvest, but by selling the charger he had captured from Levcomagnus he was able to feed both himself and the peasants working his fields. With the money he made, he ensured all his horses managed to survive the year. Nothing happened within his family.

John spent much of his time traveling the land, and meeting various people of Salisbury. One of these was the lady Liana, the beautiful daughter of a professional squire who lived in the Manor of Pitton. During the year, her father had died, and Liana was looking for a husband. During the winter John and Liana became close, eventually marrying just after Christmas.

John was aware that war brewed on the horizon, and he put much of his time into training with his lance to ensure that it would not fail him when battle rolled around in the summer.

OOC: My rolls could not really have got any better ;)

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:19 am
by Anarion
Sir Tinian

Sir Tinian, reflecting on the past year, discovered that he was increasingly loyal to Earl Roderick, so much so that in fact he was now known across Salisbury for that very trait. He also found that he was growing ever better at tabula and was a better rider than before as well.

Tinian's estate fared well enough, neither great, nor poor. He noted that Bellerophon was getting older, and was pleased he had a second charger stabled, the dead Levcomagus knight's steed.

Sir Tinian reflected also that he had yet to meet any woman who inspired his attention. There had been Adelle long ago, but he had pursued her no more when he'd found out about Alain's interest in the girl. Despondent by this he appeased himself with a fling with one of the maids at his manor, finding the matter pleasing. He was relieved however, that she proved not to be with child.

He trained with sword and lance over the winter.

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 6:44 am
by Bob of Beleriand

Sir Alain spent the winter, satisfied that he had overcome the hurdles that had been previously arrayed against him. He had claimed his rightful place as a Knight and was now able to enjoy what was rightfully his. The year had imparted various lessons on him, his lessons had tempered him, he was both more prudent but also more deceitful. Likewise he had come to appreciate that sharp sword must likewise be wielded by a sharp mind and tongue, he was both more courteous and a more capable at intrigue.

At home his estate neither prospered nor did it suffer, a decidedly average year.

Alain now a Knight returned his attention to his great passion for Adelle, he was now of a position and station that he could truly pursue her, a Knight rather than a squire scorned. Conspiring with his Squire, Pryce, Alain commissioned a notable bard to ghost-write a love poem for Adelle. Pryce's machinations enabled the ruse to succeed, a grand poem was accompanied by an exceptional necklace of gold, fashioned in the manner of a sun. It was a gesture Alain intended to reinforce his commitment to Adelle.


Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:23 am
by Calarion Sapherior
486 AD

Troubling news arrived, less than a month after Christmas, and the first spring thaw had not even begun yet. Sir Gaius received news that his cousin Elissa had vanished mysteriously. Elissa, unusually for a woman, was a successful merchant in London, dealing in textiles. Sir Gaius' help was requested in discovering her fate. Family must, perforce, help one another, as Sir Gaius explained to the Earl when asking his permission to travel to London and investigate. The Earl agreed, and summoned the other young knights to him. "I do not think that we will hear much from King Aelle or Levcomagus this year beyond the typical raiding," Earl Roderick said. "However, our manpower is sorely depleted, and the Saxons of King Aethelswith will soon strike again. We must be ready." "I charge all to you to travel to London and find such mercenaries as may be for hire. Thus, you are all doing me a great service, and will also be able to give Sir Gaius any aid he needs in discovering the fate of his cousin."

The final preparations for the journey were being made when further news threatened to change all the plans. "Gaius, my love," Lady Gwiona said to him as they lay naked in each other's arms, "I'm pregnant."

So before the trip could be undertaken, Sir Gaius had to be engaged to Lady Gwiona. The baby would be born in autumn, and so Sir Gaius was charged to return before then and to marry her. He agreed - what choice did he have? - but with trepidation. Gwiona had already been engaged four times, and every time her fiancee had perished in battle within a month. Would this curse strike him down as well?

Sir Alain also had romance on his mind, for before he departed, his squire Pryce brought him a present from the Lady Adelle. Adelle's attitude towards him had softened greatly, and so she had decided to give him a gift for him to wear and remember her by: one of her blue handkerchiefs, scented with her perfume.

Finally the expedition was ready to depart: knights and squires. Sir John had been designated the leader of the expedition: his squire Lardans emerged leading two sumpter horses, each with a chest of gold upon its back.

Now, the only decision remaining was what road to travel to reach London.


(N.B. Camelot, as marked on this map, does not yet exist. It is currently the small city of Winchester.)

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 12:13 pm
by Prince_Asuryan
John smiled as he saw his companions. He had not seen them much since christmas, tied up as he had been with Liana. His mind drifted to his wife briefly, before he shook his head, returning to the task at hand.

'Good morning brothers,' he said, 'are well all prepared for the ride?' He turned, and looked down the road that streached beyond him. 'I have narrowed our road down to two choices, though I wish for your input before we leave. we should certianly ride to Winchester, though after that I am undecided. We can either ride around Peroue forest and skirt Silchester, or we can go through the forest via Godalming and Woking. The first risks attack by the Sailsbury knights, for I still do not trust them, while the route through the forest would risk bandits I fear. Would do you think friends?'

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:11 pm
by Anarion
Sir Tinian greeted his fellow knights. His first order of business was to congratulate Sir John upon his marriage, and Sir Gaius upon his upcoming marriage. He was pleased for both of them. Sir John had long bemoaned his lack of skill amongst the ladies, yet here he was the first of them married.

"Let us take the road to Winchester," he said. "I want nothing to do with Levcomagus and the scum within. The forest would slow down our trip unnecessarily I think and bring needless risk. If we wish to avoid Silchester we can just bypass the city itself."

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:52 pm
by Krusader
Gaius thanked Tinian for his wellwishes and followed up by agreeing with Tinian's suggestion. Gaius had felled three knights of Levcomagus and was in no rush to kill some more. He hated to admit it to himself and he certainly would not say anything to his fellow knights, but his thoughts had turned towards the so-called curse his beloved Gwiona suppposedly afflicted with. Even though the Bishop had said it was a coincidence, Gaius could not shake the feeling he would face death soon.

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 6:59 pm
by cidracin
Sir Aldrydd gave all of his friends a hearty welcome most especially John and Gauis. Though his congratulations were brief, for the topic of marriage and engagement brought back memories of Lady Adwen's and Sir Jaradan's wedding. Though admittedly the memories were few since Aldrydd had drunk himself under the table that night in an effort to have no memory of the event. He had known his chances with Adwen were next to none after the battle but from what information he had gathered it was his understanding that Sir Jaradan held no love for the Lady herself, but only her money.

Turning his mind to the present conversation Aldrydd said "I too would wish to stay out of the woods, we will be delayed and in the event one of us is injured aid will be difficult to call. So I agree with the others bypassing the forest and Silchester sounds best."

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:01 pm
by Prince_Asuryan
John nodded, pleased to see his friends agreed with each other.

'Very well, we will take the road to Silchester, and skirt around it so that we may avoid any foe who may attempt to stop us.'

Re: One Brief Shining Moment

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:13 pm
by Calarion Sapherior
The first day was cold. It was still the dying end of winter, and so a freezing wind whipped around the knights as they rode east, across the Bourne River towards Du Plain. The wind was soon replaced by driving rain, which seemed to assail the riders from all direction, drenching them. THey could barely see the road ahead of them, such was the force of the rain, and they had to shout over the roar of nature to make themselves heard. The rain gave no sign of giving up: would it be better to press on or to find some shelter? In the Bourne Valley, there were many farmsteads and small villages where the group could wait out the weather.